Worry Less with
Genuine Volvo Oil and Air Filters

When you use your vehicle to go through different terrains such as sand, gravel, and mud the risk of particles damaging it increases. The challenging terrains combined with your vehicle’s increased working capacity mean that the risk of dirt and debris infiltrating your engine is extremely high. This is why it’s critical that your machine operates with the best components to prevent these dangerous particles from damaging your vehicle’s engine.

Volvo has created its oil and air filters to seamlessly fit into your Volvo vehicle and maximize its uptime. Research has shown that using genuine Volvo parts for your machine will increase its longevity and always keep it working at peak capacity.

volvo air filter

Superior Air Filtration Performance

Selecting the best components for your Volvo vehicles will ensure the longevity of its engine’s life. While it may be cheaper to install a subpar air filter, it can prove to be more expensive in the long run. How so? Air filters are made to keep dangerous particles away from your engine’s core components, opting for an inferior filter can lead to costly damages to your unit and thus, expensive repairs.

Volvo has engineered an air filter to guarantee at least a 99.9% filtration level to keep your unit safe from harmful particles. It uses a large paper area with a high dust capacity to minimize clogging risks and reduce filter changes. Each genuine Volvo air filter can function optimally for up to 24 months of normal operating conditions.

While other air filters pose a risk to damage the unit through air leakage and contaminants bypassing the filter, you can rest easy knowing that the Volvo air filter will not. This is because each genuine Volvo Air Filter is outfitted with a PUR seal that seamlessly connects to your Volvo vehicle’s parts; and has glue lines on the proprietary filtration paper to ensure that the filter will not shake or rub with other machine components.

The flame-resistant filter paper also ensures maximum safety for your driver and heavy machine. Volvo Air Filters were designed to minimize the risk of tearing and costly repairs.

Unparalleled Oil Filtration

Volvo’s newest engine oil filter will keep your vehicle running in tip-top shape and have it going farther than ever. Normally, longer maintenance intervals will bring oil filters past their limit, leaving your vehicle at risk of damage. While the average durability of oil filters is pegged at 60,000 miles, it can get a lot shorter if a unit is working overtime.

The risk of utilizing low-cost filters that aren’t manufactured with high-quality standards can put more pressure on your vehicle. This increased stress for extended periods can cause filters to get damaged and thus, prevent engines from getting the lubrication it needs to function efficiently. Without proper oil circulation, engines are in danger of irreparable damage which can result in astronomical repair costs.

Usually, low-cost filters just target to filter out larger debris, thus leaving the engine susceptible to getting infiltrated by smaller particles. These smaller particles can mix with oil and prevent smooth circulation, leading to a reduction in fuel economy and clogging fuel injectors.

Purchasing a genuine Volvo oil filter will guarantee that you can maximize your Volvo unit’s uptime and productivity. The best investment you can make for your vehicles and your company.

volvo oil filter change

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